Sonnerie Killing in the name
Nous avons choisi de classer la sonnerie de portable à télécharger Killing in the name dans le genre "Métal, Fusion, Hard" ("Métal, Fusion"). Killing in the name est également classée dans le genre "Pop, Rock".
Sonneries pour T303i Métal, Fusion, Hard (New) 546
- Rock and roll all nite
- Your skin my skin
- Broken, beat & scarred
- The trooper
- Fight fire with fire
- The memory remains
- The shortest straw
- Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon
- Creeping death
- Evil
- Hit the lights
- Last one to die
- Tuesday's gone
- War inside my head
- Wherever I may roam
- Beautiful disaster
- Bulls on parade
- Sweet child o' mine
- Transformers: La revanche-New divide
- Freak on a leash
- Cowboys from hell
- Through the fire and flames
- Ace of spades
- Am I evil?
- Bad girlfriend
- Toxicity
- King nothing
- Long forgotten sons
- Orion
- Seek and destroy
- Welcome home (Sanitarium)
- One
- Whiplash
- Battery
- Fade to black
- For whom the bells tolls
- Fuel
- We're from america
- Second chance
- Pony
- Something
- All nightmare long
- Mystar
- Ring frei
- Addicted
- You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
- Chinese democracy
- Honey and sulphur
- The day that never comes
- The Unforgiven 3